Hildridge Stewart

Senior Consultant

Hildridge spent nearly three decades at the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA). At MARTA, Hildridge first served as an automatic train control (ATC) technician, then later held positions as an ATC instructor, ATC engineer, systems engineer, and capital program manager. While at MARTA, Hildridge received three Employee Suggestion Program awards and an Innovative Safety Solution Award. Hildridge retired from MARTA in 2018 and began working for Alstom Signaling, supporting projects for the Chicago Transit Authority and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.


Associate of Applied Science in Electronics from Clayton State University.


Hildridge has dedicated his career to designing, maintaining, and improving, Fail-Safe Train Control Systems. He loves spending time with his wife of 44 years, daughters, son-n-laws, and grandchildren. He also enjoys golfing, fishing, riding his Road King, and is active in his church.


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Steve Lavelle

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Vijay Mididaddi

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Freya Gustafsson

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Farid Naguib

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